The Heritage Fund
The IPS Heritage Fund was launched in late 2021 with the aim of creating a permanent endowed fund that can generate dividends each year. Donations to the Heritage Fund establish the principal endowment, and the dividends generated by it will provide stable long-term funding toward IPS activities, including grants. Thus, the larger our fund, the more dividends there will be.
Please consider becoming one of the Founders of the Heritage Fund.
Heritage Fund donation categories are as follows: $1,000-2,999 (bronze); $3,000-3,999 (silver); $4,000-4,999 (gold); >$5,000 (platinum)
Founders will have the option to be recognized or to remain anonymous. All Founders will receive an acknowledgement. The IPS is a non-profit organization (401.3.c) and therefore meets all requirements for charitable donations according to the U.S. tax system. The Heritage Fund is also suitable for estate planning – for that please contact the Treasurer.
Please help support the IPS, the only international primatological society that unites regional and national primatological societies from around the world.
Current (August 2023) Founders of the Heritage Fund by donation or pledge are:
Platinum level
Michelle Bezanson
Russ Mittermeier/Re:wild
Steve Schapiro
Charles Snowdon
Karen B. Strier
Patricia C. Wright and Noel Rowe
Bronze level
Dorothy Fragaszy
Jonah Ratsimbazafy
Trudy Turner