IPS Awards and Grantees
IPS awards grants in several categories: conservation, education and outreach, research, and captive care. Grants are usually awarded to individuals. Check out some of the fantastic primate research and conservation projects from our grantees here. For a full record of recent awards scroll to the bottom of the page:
Grantee Spotlight
- Grantee Spotlight: Conservation Grant – Jose Lopez Cruz
- Grantee Spotlight: Research Grant – Addisu Mekonnen
- Grantee Spotlight: Research Grant 2017 – Laura Abondano
- Grantee Spotlight: Research Grant 2016 – Mareike Janiak
- Grantee Spotlight: Research Grant 2016 – Rachel F. Perlman
- Grantee Spotlight: Alison Jolly Lemur Conservation Grant 2016

2020 IPS Conservation Grants awardees
Le An | Vietnam | Conservation critically endangered Delacour’s langur (Trachypithecus delacouri) in Kim Bang forest, Ha Nam province, Vietnam |
Filipe Silva | Brazil | Conservation of Novaes’ Bald-headed Uakari, Cacajao calvus novaesi, Amazon rainforest, Brazil |
Elida Gamero | Venezuela | Genetic, taxonomy and conservation of the Critically-Endangered Magarita capuchin (Sapajus apella margaritae) endemic to Isla de Largarita in Venezuela |
Victoria Martinex de Zorzi | Argentina | The black-horned capuchin (Sapajus nigritus) in Misiones, Argentina: a model to understand how habitat fragmentation affects population genetics |
Tarik Kabir | Bangladesh | Ecological and behavioural adaptations of the Western Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) to fragmented and degraded habitats in Bangladesh |
2019 IPS Conservation Grants awardees
Yeissy Sarmiento | Peru | Field surveys and environmental education for sustainable protected area management for the Yellow Tailed Woolly monkey and Peruvian Night monkey |
Egbe Kedjuanji | Cameroon | Status of the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee and other endangered primates and the dynamics of bushmeat hunting in the Ebo forest, Littoral Region, Cameroon |
Nicolas Ramos-Lara | Mexico | Behavior and physiological stress of Mexican howler monkeys in four sites with different levels of human interaction: effects of ecotourism and cacao agroecosystems |
Isabella Santarsieri | UK | How behavioural, physiological and environmental factors affect the likelihood of electrocutions? |
Anne-Sophie Crunchant | UK | Calling from bed: localization of chimpanzee nests from passive acoustic monitoring |
Susan Sheward | UK | Patrol and fire-fighting teams to protect and conserve the Sabangau Forest, home to the world’s largest orangutan population |
Deogratias Tuyisingize | Rwanda | Conservation ecology of the golden monkey (Cercopithecus mitis spp kandti) and their habitats in Rwanda |
2018 IPS Conservation Grants awardees
Richard Busobozi | Uganda | Conservation to coexist: Participatory action research for primate conservation and community development |
Mohamed Kibaja | Tanzania | Conservation of the Endangered Ashy red colobus monkey (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in the Ufipa escarpment, south western Tanzania. |
Elida Gamero | Venezuela | Genetic bases for the conservation of the critically-endangered Margarita Capuchin |
Wendy Erb | USA | Population monitoring of endangered gibbons and orangutans to support protection of a threatened Bornean landscape |
Dereje Yazezew | Ethiopia | The conservation status of Theropithecus gelada in Ethiopian highlands is not ‘least concern’ but ‘data deficient’: first population assessment in two different unprotected areas as an initial step to start filling the gap |
Cristian Paddock | UK | Population genomics and the viability of the Sanje Mangabey in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania |
Pedro Mendez-Carvajal | Panama | Natural behaviour and conservation of Aotus zonalis in fragmented habitats, Cocle, Republic of Panama |
2017 IPS Conservation Grants awardees
*Chloe Chen-Kraus | USA | Assessing anthropogenic impacts on endangered Verreaux’s sifaka and prospects for human-lemur coexistence in southwestern Madagascar |
Rami Ota | Benin | Ranging and feeding behavior of the mixed-species group of the last remaining white-thighed colobus (Colobus vellerosus) and the mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) in Kikélé Sacred Forest and surveys of nearby community forests in the Republic of Benin (CCI). |
Paul Tehoda | Ghana | Status and conservation of the Critically Endangered western chimpanzee in Southwestern Ghana (CCI). |
Pedro Perez | Peru | Investigation of genetic diversity of pygmy marmosets (Cebuella) in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. |
Nestor Allgas | Peru | Primate Census at “La Jungla de los Monos” reserve, El Tambo, San Martin, Peru (CCI). |
Ryan Satria | Indonesia | Conservation of Floristic Habitat for Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in Kemuning Forest. |
Jose Lopez Cruz | Honduras | Spatial distribution of the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) in relation to the vegetal structure. |
*2017 Alison Jolly Lemur Conservation Grant winner
2016 IPS Conservation Grants awardees
Daniel Alempijevic | USA | A population assessment of the critically endangered Dryad monkey (Cercopithecus dryas) in the Balanda Community Forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo |
Parthankar Choudhury | India | Status survey and Conservation needs of Primates in the Inner Line Reserve forest, Cachar, Assam, India |
Allie Hofner | UK | Preuss’s red colobus Procolobus pennantii preussi density and significance in northern Korup National Park: A multifaceted approach to understanding arboreal primate abundance and local perceptions and livelihoods in a protected area. |
Katharine Kling | USA | Testing time: Follow-up surveys of southeastern Malagasy rainforest fragments to assess long-term viability |
Daniel Mwamidi | Kenya | Conservation of Roosting and Foraging Habitats for the Endemic Mountain Dwarf Galagos (Galagoides orinus) in Taita hills, Kenya |
Petro Scarascia | Brazil | Conservation Program of the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in the Carlos Botelho State Park and its Buffer Zone |
*Brandon Semel | USA | Climate Change, Coups, and Critically Endangered Species: First Aerial Drone Surveys of Madagascar’s Lemurs |
Jaima Smith | UK | An examination and assessment of current conservation activities for Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) in West Java, Indonesia |
*2016 Alison Jolly Lemur Conservation Grant winner
2018 Precongress Training Program participants
Charles Maingi | Kenya |
Dorothy Kirumira | Uganda |
Raimi Ota | Benin |
Jacinto Mathe | Mozambique |
Tran Dung | Vietnam |
Bojun Liu | China |
Thi Anh Minh Nguyen | Vietnam |
Dinda Prayunita | Indonesia |
Karolina Medeiros | Brazil |
Mabel Sanchez | Peru |
Jones Goncalves | Brazil |
Lucia Torrez | Nicaragua |
2016 Precongress Training Program participants
Bruce Ainebyona | Uganda |
Nestor Allgas | Peru |
Nguyen Thi Lan Anh | Vietnam |
Swtha Stotra Bhashyan | India |
Dwi Yandhi Febriyanti | Indonesia |
Lisley Pereira Lemos Nogueria Gomes | Brazil |
Karine Galisteo Diemer Lopes | Brazil |
David Momoh | Sierra Leone |
Samedi Mucyo | Rwanda |
Toky Hery Rakotoarinivo | Madagascar |
Natalia Fuentes Salcedo | Ecuador |
Bui Van Tuan | Vietnam |
Outcome of the 2020 Charles Southwick Conservation Education Commitment Award
Rahayu “Ayu” Oktaviani | Indonesia | Javan Gibbon Research and Conservation Project, Indonesia |
Stanislaus Kivai | Kenya | Co-Director of the National Museums of Kenya Chyulu Hills Field school on Environment Ecology and Sustainability, Kenya |
Outcome of the 2019 Charles Southwick Conservation Education Commitment Award
Jorge Damian Ayala Santacruz | Paraguay | Educator of Fundación Para La Tierra, Paraguay |
Rose Marie Randrianarison | Madagascar | Research and Training Manager, and Scientific Advisor of Maromizaha Proected Area, Madagascar |
Outcome of the 2017 Charles Southwick Conservation Education Commitment Award
Bishwanath Rijal | Nepal | Primate Conservationist and Educator; secondary school biology teacher in Kathmandu, Nepal |
Bruce Ainebyona | Uganda | Education Officer for North Carolina Zoo’s UNITE for the Environment program based in Uganda |
Mukesh Chalise | Nepal | Associate Professor in the Central Dept. of Zoology at Tribhuvan University and President and Founder of the Nepal Biodiversity Research Society |
Outcome of the 2020 Lawrence Jacobsen Education Development Grantees
Rebecca Smith | Paraguay | Participatory Education for Primate Conservation in Paraguay, the Forgotten Heart of South America |
Victoria Nunes | Brazil | Media, photo and video exhibition as a tool to combat Capuchin monkey illegal housekeeping and trade in rural communities of Northeastern Brazil |
Outcome of the 2019 Lawrence Jacobsen Education Development Grantees
Rahayu Oktaviani | Indonesia | Communicating Research Findings into Classroom to Raise Awareness on Endangered Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) |
Bishwanath Rijal | Nepal | Producing a primate field guide to mitigate human-nonhuman primate conflict in Nepal |
Rose Marie Randrianarison | Madagascar/France | My First Lemur Conservation Book – The forest of the Dragon Trees |
Outcome of the 2017 Lawrence Jacobsen Education Development Grantees
Rosamira Guillen | Colombia | Keeping the Wild in Wildlife: Discouraging the Use of Cotton-Top Tamarins as Pets in Northern Colombia |
Kathy Kelly | South Africa | Baboon Matters Namaqualand Farm Project |
Genevieve Crisford | Malawi | LWT Primate Conservation Learning Facility |
Greg Tully | USA | Cameroon National Conservation Education Program |
Elysée Rasoamanana | Madagascar | Raising Awareness for the Conservation of Lemur Catta in the Surrounding Area of Mangily, Madagascar |
Outcome of the 2016 Charles Southwick Conservation Education Commitment Award
Herman Syahputra | Sumatra | Conservation Educator, Orang Utan Republik Foundation |
Outcome of the 2018 Lawrence Jacobsen Education Development Grantees
Sonya Kahlenberg | USA | Producation of an informative poster for awareness raising and conservation education on newly created Kimbi-Fungom National Park |
Tatiana Valença | Brazil | Protecting monkeys as a way of combating Yellow Fever |
Karina Atkinson | Paraguay | Training Paraguayan “Parabiologists” and future “Eco-Leaders” to save Paraguay’s primates |
Liyong Emmanuel Sama | Cameroon | Production of an informative poster for awarness raising and conservation education on newly created Kimbi-Fungom National Park |
Outcome of the 2016 Lawrence Jacobsen Education Development Grantees
Thierry Inzirayineza | Rwanda | Using debate as a tool to increase young people awareness about the importance of primate conservation around Gishwati National Park, Rwanda |
Nick Marx | Cambodia | Primate Conservation Centre at Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre |
Rebecca Smith | Paraguay | Paraguay’s Little Monkeys: Inspiring Primate Conservation Heroes and Tackling Paraguy’s Primate Pet Trade |
Gary Shapiro | Sumatra | MECU6: Orang Utan Republik Foundation (OURF)’s Mobile Education & Conservation Unit, Year 6 |
Outcome of the 2020 Research grant awards
Emily Glotfelty | USA | Behavioral responses to increased population density and reduced food abundance in Colobus vellerosus over a twenty-year period |
Molly Hirst | USA | Sperm morphological variation in a natural primate hybrid zone (Alouatta palliata x A. pigra) |
Abdullah Langgeng | Japan | Investigating the effects of Japanese macaque hot spring bathing behavior on parasitism and gut microbiome |
Sara Lucci | USA | The relative effects of environmental conditions and parental identities on coat color development in Colobus vellerosus |
Megan Mah | Canada | Multimodal fruit foraging and interspecific sensory variation in wild sympatric monkeys |
Emily Nonnamaker | USA | Do microbes contribute to olfactory signals of ovulation in baboons? |
Alicia Rich | USA | Variation in hormone receptor expression between two primate environments |
Jack Richardson | USA | Sex differences and the role of social play in development of wild mountain gorillas |
R. Gustav Steinhardt | USA | Space use and social influence in cooperatively breeding primates |
Tessa Steiniche | USA | Endocrine effects of anthropogenic pollutants in wild primates |
Outcome of the 2019 Research grant awards
Juliane Damm | Mexico | Do social interactions and social organization modulate the physiological stress response of wild Geoffroy’s spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi)? |
Allegra Depasquale | Canada | Are diet and nutrition of wild capuchins influenced by color vision type? A test of the niche divergence hypothesis |
Philippa Hammond | UK | Remote monitoring of predation pressure and its effects on baboon demographics, ranging patterns and nocturnal behaviours |
Katherine Kling | USA | Movement in the matrix: lemur space use and activity across anthropogenic landscapes in southeastern Madagascar |
Louise Loyant | UK | Social tolerance and inhibitory control skills in macaque species |
Meredith Lutz | USA | Behavioral mechanisms underlying seasonal social plasticity in three sympatric lemur species |
Lais Moreira | Canada | A multi-modal approach to understanding sexual signaling in spider monkeys (Ateles geofforyi) |
Corina Most | USA | Do differences in the social behavior of wild infant olive baboons (P. anubis) persist in the juvenile period? |
Sylvain Nyandwi | USA | Wild chimpanzee genetic diversity, health and behavior in isolated fragments in Rwanda: population viability in isolated habitats |
Tom Roth | Netherlands | Investigating cognitive biases for symmetry and sexual dimorphism in zoo-housed Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) |
Outcome of the 2018 Research grant awards
Melanie Fenton | USA | Coercive and affiliative mating tactics in Olive Baboons (Papio anubis) |
Thalita Sumampow | USA | Identifying cryptic species of tarsiers on North Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Tainara Sobroza | Brazil | Sounds, cities and “Sauins”: the effect of acoustic environment in the pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) (Primates: Callitrichidae) communication behavior |
Rachel Peterson | USA | Mechanisms of sperm perference in the female reproductive tract of a non-human primate |
Sofya Dolotovskaya | Germany | Does social monogamy translate into genetic monogamy in red titi monkey (Callicebus cupreus) |
Adam Pope | USA | Evaluating the kin selection hypothesis of cooperative infant care in tamarins (Leontocebus weddelli) |
Sharmi Sen | USA | Examining the fitness consequences of male alternative male reproductive tactics in wild geladas |
Helen Slater | UK | The importance of micro-climate refuges for primate responses to climate change and human disturbance |
Eve A Smeltze | Canada | Consensus decision-making of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) during group movements |
Jayashree Mazumder | India | Tool-aided foraging behaviour by macaca fascicularis umbrosus of Nicobar islands |
Outcome of the 2017 Research grant awards
Elizabeth Tapanes | USA | Diversity of pelage patterning and function in wild sifaka lemurs (Propithecus diadema) at the Tsinjoarivo Forest in Madagascar. |
Benjamin Finkel | USA | Foraging Strategies of Old Chimpanzees (Uganda). |
Erin Weigel | USA | The use of multiple play signals in captive immature western lowland gorillas |
Chris Marsh | UK | The effects of forest degradation on arboreal apes within Sikundur, the Gunung Leuser Ecosystem, Northern Sumatra |
Amanda Tan | USA | Using stable isotopes to measure the nutritional advantages of stone tool use in a primate model, the coastal stone-tool-using longtailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) of Thailand |
Lucie Rigaill | Japan | Do male olive baboons (Papio anubis) attend to female odor signals? |
Kelly van Leeuwen | UK | Habitat use at a landscape scale for savanna chimpanzees at Issa Valley, Ugalla, Tanzania |
Elizabeth Mallott | USA | Do white-faced capuchins use preferred partners to mitigate foraging costs associated with color vision phenotypes? (Costa Rica) |
Laura Abondano | USA | Mating strategies and reproductive endocrinology of female lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii): Implications for female mate choice in a promiscuous primate. |
Outcome of the 2016 Research grant awards
Matthew De Vries | Canada | An exploration of intragroup variation in behaviour across habitat types during the dry season in Saguinus imperator |
Susie Lee | USA | Role of androgens in the modulation of parental effort and protectiveness in female macaques |
Rachel Sawyer | UK | Briding the gap between primate food selection and sensory ecology: how do nocturnal folivorous strepsirrhines determine food quality? |
Mareike Janiak | USA | Adaptations for insectivory in digestive enzymes of new world primates |
Gillian King-Bailey | USA | Androgens, cortisol, behavior, and food seasonality in wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Sector Santa Rosa, Área de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica |
Brandon Wheeler | UK | Can nonhuman primates socially learn the meaning of signals? An experimental test with wild capuchin monkeys |
Rachel Perlman | USA | The energetics of male reproductive strategies in geladas (Theropithecus gelada) |
Ghislain Thiery | France | Uncovering food mechanical properties from the teeth of extant and extinct primates |
Outcome of the 2020 Captive Care grant awards
CARE | South Africa | Centre for Animal Rehabilitation and Education, renovation of baboon enclosures. |
PASA | Gabon | Pan African Sanctuary Alliance: primate care training to the staff at the Fernan-Vaz Gorilla Project, Gabon |
Outcome of the 2019 Captive Care grant awards
Macer Parton | Bolivia | Environmental enrichment for capuchin monkeys at Machia Sanctuary in Bolivia |
Nicola Bryson-Morisson | UK | Understanding nutrition to improve the health and welfare of captive chimpanzees |
Greg Tully | USA | Primate care training program |
Sonya Kahlenberg | USA | Vegetation survey and toxic plant management for sanctuary Grauer’s gorillas in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo |
Outcome of the 2018 Captive Care grant awards
Susannah Thorpe | UK | An enclosure design tool to encourage wild-type behavior and enhance welfare in sanctuary chimpanzees |
Greg Tully | USA | Primate care training program for rescued primates at African wildlife centers |
Sonya Kahlenberg | USA | Installing a water source to complete a new forest habitat for orphaned Grauer’s gorillas in Democratic Republic of Congo |