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Membership dues
Our goal has always been to keep membership dues affordable by as many people in our community as possible. We determine membership rates using the World Bank country classifications for income levels. In addition, we offer reduced rates for students and postdoc and contingent faculty. Membership is free for students, post docs and contingent faculty from lower middle income and lower income countries. We encourage anyone for whom the fees would be a barrier to joining to contact our Treasurer. As well as being able to attend our meetings at a reduced rate, our members currently get free full access to our affiliate journal the International Journal of Primatology.
To become a new member of IPS, you must first create a username in order to login to the Members section. A password for the site will be generated automatically and emailed to you. When you receive it, you can go back and change your default password to something more easily remembered.
To become a new member of IPS or to or renew your membership on-line, login to the Members section and click on the link “Become a new member of IPS.” Enter in your contact and professional information and select the type of membership. Payments can be made by credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or by check.
If you wish, you may print out and mail in the IPS Membership Application 2019.doc instead.